(1) These Rules and Regulations (hereinafter referred to as Rules and Regulations) set forth the detailed terms and conditions of rental contracts, as well as orders and reservations, of cars concluded by Just Cars Premium Rent, within the framework of Car Rental by any means. The Regulations apply to all the aforementioned rental agreements, orders and reservations, unless the agreement provides otherwise.
(2) The Price List constituting Appendix No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Price List) is an integral part of the Regulations.
(3) In the event of a conflict between the contract and the Regulations, the parties shall be bound by the contract.
4 Pages:
a. Customer : Tenant (specified in the contract)
b. Lessor: Authorized representative of the Just Cars Premium Rent brand (specified in the contract).
(5) The renter of the car and the person authorized to drive the car may become a person who is at least 18 years old, has a valid identity card (in the case of a foreigner - a valid passport) and has a valid and honored in the territory of the Republic of Poland driving license. The requirements indicated in this section are valid for the entire duration of the rental agreement. In the event that the Renter and/or the person indicated in the rental agreement as the driver fails to meet the requirements indicated in this section, the Lessor will be entitled to immediately withdraw from the rental agreement.
(6) The car may be driven by a person meeting the requirements set forth in, respectively, item. 5 of the Regulations by a person indicated in the rental agreement as a driver or by a person authorized in writing by the Lessor to drive the car. The rented car may not be subleased or ceded to another person for use without prior written consent of the Lessor. The car may also not be given by the Renter to a person not listed in the rental agreement as the driver of the vehicle. Making the car available by the Renter, to another driver without the written consent of the Rental Company is subject to a fine in the amount of the full amount of the deposit collected before rental.
(7) If the Renter revokes the authorization of the person authorized to drive the vehicle, the Renter is obliged to immediately inform the Lessor of this change. In the event of failure to promptly notify, the Renter shall be responsible for the damage suffered by the Lessor due to lack of knowledge of the aforementioned revocation of authorization.
8. the Renter shall ensure that the provisions of the Regulations or / and the rental agreement regarding the obligations of the Renter and the rules of conduct in the event of an accident or breakdown of the car are also observed by persons authorized by him or the Lessor to drive the car under pain of liability of the Renter for any damages incurred by the lessor, and shall acquaint each time the person driving the car with the obligations related to the operation of the car.
(9) The duration of the contract is strictly determined by the date of rental indicated in the contract or the date of handover of the vehicle, indicated in the Certificate of Delivery and Acceptance (whichever date is earlier unless the parties agree otherwise) and the declared date of return. After this period, the Renter undertakes to return the car to the Lessor, otherwise the Renter is obliged to pay a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the Price List for each day of delay in returning the object of rental. In case of failure to return the car on time, the Lessor is authorized to collect the car, keys, policy, vehicle documents from the Lessee and to charge the Lessee with the full costs incurred to collect the car.
(10) In the cases provided for in the Regulations for the imposition of a contractual penalty, the Lessor shall have the right to demand payment of additional compensation if the damage suffered by the Lessor exceeds the value of the contractual penalty.
Rules of use of the vehicle. The Lessor is not responsible for mechanical damage to the elements of the car, resulting from the Renter's failure to comply with the obligations listed in this chapter.
(11) During use, the Lessee or any person driving the vehicle shall:
a. Carrying valid documents, required by traffic control valid and honored in the territory of the Republic of Poland driving license, registration card, liability policy, car rental certificate, medical certificate, if required),
b. Securing the car and equipment against theft (locking the car every time and turning on all anti-theft devices; carefully securing documents and keys outside the vehicle, and removing the panel from the radio and not leaving it in the car),
c. Perform at his own expense and effort the daily maintenance of the car (checking and refilling of engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, windshield washer fluid, checking tire pressure and condition of tires, operation of lights and other elements affecting the proper and safe operation of the vehicle),
d. To use the type of fuel in cars in accordance with the engine specifications stated in the registration certificate and in the technical documentation of the vehicle,
e. Maintain the car in a reasonably clean condition. - Including, in particular, those resulting from the transport of dirty and strong-smelling agents f. Parking the vehicle in guarded parking lots.
12. Przemieszczanie wynajętego pojazdu poza granicę RP jest dopuszczalne, pod warunkiem uprzedniego wyrażenia przez Wynajmującego w formie pisemnej zgody udzielonej na wniosek Najemcy. W przypadku naruszenia przez Najemcę zasad określonych w pkt. 14 Regulaminu Najemca będzie zobowiązany do zapłaty kary umownej w kwocie wskazanej w Cenniku, a w razie zajścia konieczności napraw bądź holowania samochodu poza granicami Najemcę będą obciążać ponadto wszelkie powstałe z tego tytułu koszty.
12.A. Najemca będący obywatelem RP jak również nieposiadający polskiego paszportu (klient zagraniczny), jest zobowiązany do każdorazowego informowania Wynajmującego o zamiarze opuszczenia wcześniej zgłoszonej strefy użytkowania lub miasta.
W przypadku wyznaczenia strefy poruszania się obejmującej cały teren Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, wynajmujący będący obywatelem RP jak również nieposiadający polskiego paszportu, zobowiązany jest do każdorazowego informowania o zamiarze przemieszczania się w strefach przygranicznych państwa Polskiego, czyli obszarach znajdujących się poniżej 70 km od granicy.
Zaniechanie obowiązku informowania o wyżej wymienionych sytuacjach oraz samowolne przekroczenie granic RP może skutkować natychmiastowym zerwaniem umowy najmu (odebraniem samochodu) wraz z potrąceniem kaucji nawet do stu procent (100%)
13.W szczególności zabrania się:
a. holowania innych pojazdów wynajmowanym samochodem.
b. przekraczania dopuszczalnej ładowności.
c. palenia tytoniu w samochodzie.
d. to make in the rented car modifications or other changes contrary to its properties and intended use without the consent of the Lessor.
e. carrying any animals inside the car.
f. failure to comply with applicable traffic regulations, in particular to exceed the speed limit.
In case of violation of the provisions of this point, the Renter will be obliged to pay a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the Price List. In the event of making changes in the rented car referred to in subsection d) of this section, the Lessor reserves the right to charge the Renter with the cost of restoring the vehicle to its previous condition and to claim payment for the loss of value of the vehicle caused by the modifications.
14. Wynajmujący bądź inne osoby przez niego uprawnione, ma prawo do kontrolowania sposobu wykorzystania i stanu pojazdu oraz dokumentów Najemcy związanych z powyższymi okolicznościami, zaś Najemca ma obowiązek umożliwienia kontroli oraz udostępnienia dokumentów w wyznaczonym przez Wynajmującego czasie.
(15) Rent is charged for a full 24 hours. Delay in the return of the car from 45 minutes to 3 three hours from the time indicated in the agreement of returning the car is subject to an additional fee of PLN 250 gross. Delay in returning the car for more than 3 hours from the time indicated in the agreement of returning the car, results in surcharge of 50% of the daily rental cost.
15A. If the declared date of return of the car is more than 30 days away from the rental date, the Renter shall pay to the Lessor the amount for the first month and an amount equivalent to the deductible as a deposit. The Renter agrees to pay the next month's rent on a monthly basis. Delay in payment for more than 3 days (when the funds paid for the rental are used below the level of the deposit - deductible) will result in termination of the agreement and the need to return the car.
16 The tenant shall pay to the landlord a certain amount for rental. This amount is settled after the rental depending on the resulting total rental cost. The parties agree on a 7-day deadline for payment or refund of any differences.
17.In the case of securing the rental amount in the form of pre-authorization on a credit card, the lessor agrees to carry out the sales transaction by completing the pre-authorization without a signature.
18. refund for unused rental time will not be possible.
18A. The fee for delivery/collection of the car at a designated place by the customer 150 PLN gross.
18B. Charge for pick-up/ drop-off outside the rental company's opening hours and on weekends PLN 250 gross.
19B. Late
(19) Extension of the rental period requires the consent of the Lessor. The intention to extend the rental period of the car must be notified, at least 24 hours before the end of the return period.
Failure to return the car within 24 hours from the end of the rental agreement is treated as misappropriation of the car (crime under Article 284 of the Criminal Code) and is reported to the Police. In the event that the Police are notified of the misappropriation of the car, the Renter will be required to pay a contractual penalty in the amount indicated in the Price List.
21 The Renter is obliged to return a clean car with the same amount of fuel that he received upon receipt of the car. For any shortage of fuel or the need to clean the car, the Renter shall pay a fee according to the Price List.
(22) Immediately after the return or replacement of the car used by the Lessee or after the Lessor receives the decision of the insurer to refuse to pay the claim, the Lessor reserves the right to charge the Lessee with the following costs:
a. deficiencies in the equipment of the car or its parts described in the Protocol of transfer of the car and compensation for more than normal wear and tear of the car inside or outside,
b. damage caused by improper operation of the car or negligence of the Renter, and not resulting from risks covered by the insurance policy (e.g. damaged mirrors, cracked headlights, minor damage to body elements),
c. actual damage, not reported at the time of its occurrence, or in a situation where the Lessor fails, despite the exercise of due diligence, to obtain compensation from its insurance company, and the reasons for effective refusal to pay compensation are the fault of the Lessee,
d. liquidation of other damages and the cost of restoring the vehicle to a condition corresponding to normal wear and tear including the cost of car wash and upholstery washing
e. Compensation for loss of value of the vehicle as a result of an accident in the event that the cause of the accident was the fault or partly the fault of the Renter, the person driving the vehicle or a passenger of the vehicle, or for loss of value of the vehicle as a result of making alterations or other changes contrary to the properties and intended use of the vehicle without the consent of the Lessor.
23. the Renter is responsible for the lack of parts and equipment, as well as damage resulting from his fault due to improper use and protection of the car and loss of documents.
(24) If the Renter loses: one of the following items: proof, license plate, policy, car keys or the items indicated in the Price List, the Renter will be charged with the fees provided in the Price List.
(25) The Renter acknowledges the necessity of making the car available to the Lessor to perform a periodic inspection with indications of the odometer according to the indications of the computer or given on the Acceptance Protocol (tolerance +/- 100 km), at a place and time agreed with the Lessor (in case of doubt, contact the Lessor). In the case of making the car available for inspection with higher indications of the odometer or not making it available at all, the Renter will be charged with the full cost of the inspection and will be obliged to compensate the Lessor for the loss that the Lessor suffered through the Renter's negligence (e.g., loss of warranty on the car, fee according to the Price List).
26. the Renter is not authorized to order repairs, corrections, alterations, inspections or other repair and maintenance activities of the rented car at the expense of the Lessor, without written consent of an authorized representative of the Lessor (unless the total cost of these activities does not exceed PLN 50). In case of a breakdown, road accident of the car during the period of use of the vehicle, the Lessee is obligated to immediately notify the Lessor of this fact and act in accordance with the Lessor's instructions. If the malfunction may pose a threat to road safety or lead to further damage to the car, it is forbidden to continue further driving until it is removed. The Renter may repair the car on his own only after obtaining written consent of the Lessor regarding the place and scope of repair. Then he is obliged to submit receipts for the service performed, return the replaced parts and submit a statement describing the circumstances of the breakdown.
27.The lessor, after determining the legitimacy of the repair made and the absence of fault of the lessee in the causes of the failure, shall reimburse all costs documented by invoices issued only to the lessor (point 4b).
28 In the event of damage to the vehicle, accident, theft of the car, damage to the car as a result of burglary or other illegal act, the Renter is obliged to immediately report this fact to the Lessor by contacting the Just Cars Premium Rent Customer Service Center at +48 695 712 712 and to act in accordance with the instructions received, including, above all, calling the Police.
29.In case of failure to notify the Lessor of the events listed in point 28 within 12 hours, the Renter will be charged with the total cost of repairing the car and other costs associated with the repair, which will be borne by the Lessor.
a. The Renter is financially responsible for the immobilization of the car due to the need to repair the damage caused by the fault of the lessee. The Renter shall be charged with the cost in the amount of the daily car rental fee (price list on the website) for each day of parking of the car in the service.
30 The Lessor shall not be liable for damages incurred by the Lessee as a result of a car breakdown, car damage, accident, unless the damage was caused by.
(31) The Lessor, in the event of immobilization of a rented car for a period longer than 24 hours, will provide the Lessee with a replacement car, if possible. The deadline indicated by the Lessor for delivery of a substitute vehicle is calculated from the moment of receipt by the Lessor of information from the Renter (person driving the vehicle) on the occurrence of an event immobilizing the car or from the moment of determination by the Lessor that immobilization of the rented car will last longer than 24 hours (depending on which of the above-mentioned events occurs later). The time limits indicated in the preceding sentence do not include weekends, i.e. the period from 8:00 p.m. on Friday to 7:00 a.m. on Monday and public holidays calculated from 8:00 p.m. on the previous day to 7:00 a.m. on the following day, subject to the above-mentioned standard weekend period. The substitute car should, if possible, have a standard corresponding to the standard of the rented car. If the substitute car is of a lower standard, the rent shall be reduced accordingly. A substitute car will not be provided if:
a. The occurrence of at least one of the following events: loss of registration certificate, insurance policy, car keys, license plate(s),
b. immobilization of the rented vehicle outside the territory of the Republic of Poland.
(32) Whenever in the Regulations is referred to , "fee in connection with the event", it shall be understood to mean the fee to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor in the event of damage, regardless of the fault of the Lessee and the amount of compensation received by the Lessor. Regardless of the aforementioned fee, the Lessor shall be entitled to claim damages on general principles.
33 The car shall have full coverage of third party liability insurance, AC insurance releasing (subject to the provisions on liquidated damages and payment in connection with the incident) the Renter (person driving the vehicle) from liability in the event of collision and theft with the exception of:
a. deliberate action,
b. damage while driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or psychotropic drugs, and/or without a valid driver's license,
c. damage to the vehicle in the event of exceeding the permissible speed limit by at least 30 km / h. Or in the event of committing any other gross violation of traffic regulations (the insurer then reserves the insured's deductible - franchise or there is a complete exclusion of the insurer's liability for the damage),
d. the case if the driver fled the scene of the accident,
e. Damage caused when the person driving was a person not authorized by the Lessor to drive the car,
f. Total loss, settled under the Auto Casco policy, and theft of the car, except for point 39 subpoint h. And subsection i. Regulations (the Renter will be charged an administrative fee in connection with the incident in accordance with the attached price list),
g. all damages covered by the Auto Casco policy (the Renter will be charged an administrative fee in connection with the incident, in accordance with the attached Price List),
h. Theft of the car, as a result of which the keys or/and registration card of the stolen car were lost - the total cost shall be borne by the Renter,
i. theft of a car in which all anti-theft devices installed in it have not been activated - the total cost shall be borne by the Renter,
j. Burglary resulting in the theft of the radio including the panel - the total cost shall be borne by the Lessee,
k. other special cases arising from the general terms and conditions of insurance contracts or policies.
In the aforementioned cases, the damage is covered in whole or in part by the Renter. The Renter is obliged to familiarize himself with the provisions of the policy, the general terms and conditions of car insurance contracts and amendments to the general terms and conditions of car insurance contracts and to comply with the provisions contained in the terms and conditions, and in the case of making the vehicle available - in addition, to instruct the person driving the vehicle about the obligations arising from the above-mentioned documents - under pain of liability for damage caused.
34 Cars may be insured against civil liability in foreign traffic (so-called Green Card). This insurance can be issued after the Renter notifies the Lessor of the fact of going abroad a minimum of 24 hours before the start of the rental.
35. a reservation is called an order placed in person, by phone, e-mail or through the reservation system available on the website, confirmed in one of the ways:
a. Making a pre-authorization on a credit card
b. Payment of the agreed amount for the rental.
(36) If the Renter cancels the reservation within a period not exceeding 30 days to the date of the scheduled rental, the Renter will be charged a cancellation fee of 25% of the total anticipated rental cost or the amount of 300 PLN, whichever is greater. In case of a later cancellation, the Customer will be charged the total cost of the scheduled rental.
37. Wynajmujący zapewni w miarę możliwości zarezerwowany samochód lub podobny w tej samej klasie. Jeżeli nie będzie to możliwe odpowiedzialność Wynajmującego ogranicza się do zwrotu wpłaconej kwoty w przeciągu 7 dni od daty planowanego wynajmu.
1. Voucher może być wykorzystany wyłącznie na wynajem samochodów, przy czym minimalna kwota wynajmu musi wynosić 2000 zł brutto.
2. Voucher nie podlega łączeniu z innymi promocjami, rabatami ani z innymi voucherami.
3. Voucher jest ważny przez 12 miesięcy od daty zakupu i musi być wykorzystany w całości w trakcie jednej rezerwacji.
4. Voucher nie podlega zwrotowi ani wymianie na gotówkę. W przypadku niewykorzystania vouchera w całości, różnica nie jest zwracana.
5. Voucher może być wykorzystany wyłącznie przez osobę, na którą został wystawiony, lub za jej pisemną zgodą.
6. Voucher obejmuje wynajem samochodów z aktualnej floty dostępnej w dniu rezerwacji, z wyłączeniem wybranych pojazdów zastrzeżonych w ofercie specjalnej.
7. Wykorzystanie vouchera nie zwalnia z obowiązku uiszczenia kaucji zabezpieczającej oraz dodatkowych opłat, takich jak paliwo, opłaty za dostawę samochodu, czy mycie.
8. Aby skorzystać z vouchera, należy dokonać rezerwacji z minimum 7-dniowym wyprzedzeniem. Rezerwacja jest zależna od dostępności samochodów.
9. W przypadku podejrzenia nadużycia, voucher może zostać unieważniony bez prawa do zwrotu środków. Voucher nie może być odsprzedawany ani wykorzystywany do celów komercyjnych bez zgody wypożyczalni.
10. Anulowanie rezerwacji dokonanej z wykorzystaniem vouchera możliwa jest na minimum 48 godzin przed terminem wynajmu. Po przekroczeniu tego terminu voucher zostaje uznany za wykorzystany.
A. Lack of registration certificate, insurance policy, license plate or registration sticker on the windshield - PLN 500.
B. Lack of technical documents (Warranty Book, Owner's Manual) - PLN 1000.
C. Replenishment of missing fuel - cost of fuel + PLN 50.
D. Dismantling a part of the car's equipment or making other alterations or changes without the Lessor's consent - 1000 PLN contractual penalty.
E. Lack of car equipment parts not listed in the price list fee according to the manufacturer's price list + 40%.
F. Loss of warranty on the car due to the fault of the Renter (person driving the vehicle) - PLN 10,000.
G. Smoking in the car - 1000 PLN contractual penalty.
H. Carrying animals inside the car - 1000 PLN contractual penalty
I. I. Losing the key or permanent damage to the car key, the customer shall be financially liable in the amount of 8000 PLN gross
In addition, the customer will be charged with the costs associated with making and programming a new key, which will be settled on the basis of a VAT invoice from the contractor.
The customer will also be charged a penalty for each day of car downtime in the amount of 50% of the gross value of a day's rental*
*The fee is calculated on the basis of the price list available at www.justcarspremium.com and the tariff corresponding to the number of days in downtime.